Historisches Falkensee
Geschichtspark Dauerausstellung Museum Rosengarten Falkenhagener Anger Falkenhagener See
Historisches FalkenseeEin Rundgang durch die Geschichte

The SS in the Falkensee concentration camp


Note: The photos have not yet been released for the Internet under copyright law!

Rudolf Dörrier's drawing shows the perspective of the camp from a watchtower in the direction of today's Hamburger Straße. Spandauer Straße can be seen on the right edge of the picture. Handwritten records 1944/45.

Source: Federal Archives, records by Rudolf Dörrier

The leadership and guards in the Falkensee subcamp were provided by the SS. Two names are already associated with the Staaken predecessor of the Falkensee camp, which had existed since January 1943: Commando SS Obersturmfuhrer Kurt Ludewig and Rapportfuhrer SS Oberscharführer Fritz Ficker. Both were later reported for the premeditated murder of six inmates in the Staaken camp. During their deployment in Falkensee, the armaments company Deutsche Maschinenbau AG complained about the physical condition of the prisoners. Both SS men were therefore withdrawn from Falkensee.

Fritz Ficker was one of the 16 accused in the Sachsenhausen trial, which began on October 24, 1947 in the Berlin-Pankow town hall. He was sentenced to life imprisonment with forced labor on November 1, 1947 and taken to a Soviet penal camp in December 1947, where he died in 1948.

In June 1944, the new commando leader Ernst Kannenberg followed, who was a Wehrmacht captain who had been assigned to the SS and had become unfit for the front. Under his leadership, the situation of the prisoners in the camp improved.

SS-Unterscharführer Rudolf Dörrier served as a guard in the Sachsenhausen and Falkensee concentration camps for eight months. After the war, Dörrier, who lived in East Germany, was able to cover up his work as a concentration camp guard. He documented his life and also described his time in the Falkensee concentration camp.

In addition to texts, the notes that he left to the Federal Archives also include drawings and photos that are used for presentation on the information steles.

Ernst Kannenberg, commando leader of the concentration camp subcamp from November 1944. Here is his passport photo from his SA ID card in 1934.

Source: Brandenburg State Main Archive, Rep. 161, Object 4, ZB 2969

Rudolf Dörrier was SS sergeant and guard at the Falkensee concentration camp.

Source: Federal Archives, records by Rudolf Dörrier

Former SS Rapportfuhrer Fritz Ficker as a defendant during the Sachsenhausen trial in October/November 1947 in Berlin-Pankow. He was sentenced to life imprisonment with forced labor.

Quelle: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum


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